Shelby is about 5 1/2 weeks post-amp and things are getting back to normal (or rather our new normal). She’s spending less time in the bathroom but still goes in there from time to time but definitely less than she was). I have started cooking for her since she’s gotten rather chunky (and I can tell this from when I pick her up and down to carry her when she feels like being a princess). She’s getting better at being lifted, a little less ‘dead weight’ – she even kind of helps by lifting/hopping into my arms. It’s usually just the stairs or I’ll pick her up when I see a dog coming toward us or a puddle that I don’t want her splashing through. I am still a rather nervous dog mom but definitely treating her less like a “China doll” than I was.
Her issues with colitis cleared up nicely and she’s 100% normal in that department. She still pants off and on at night but I wonder if that’s because she wants attention, wants to go out (EVERY. FIVE. MINUTES.) or if it’s her lung mets. She usually stops w/in a few minutes if she doesn’t get her way so I think she’s playing me.
She roams a lot at night, I think. I don’t hear her so much anymore but I usually wake up and she’s in the living room in her bed or on the floor. NO matter if I put the beds in my room, she will not sleep the night in there with me anymore BUT she will stay in there until I fall asleep. Friday was a rough day on me personally and it’s like Shelby knew she had to be the strong pack leader, act like she was and take care of me. It still amazes me – after 13 years together – how she can read me like a book and just know when I need her to be strong.
We go to the vet tomorrow for some X-rays (dreading that) and to get her maintenance dose of chemo. I feel in my heart she is doing great, eating normally, playing (sort of), alert, happy, excited to see me and to live … I know there are mets but I don’t want to know or hear about it. I only want to focus on all the positive stuff and pray that those mets aren’t any bigger than they were 6 weeks ago when they first showed up. So I am going to practice my ‘being the dog’ and live in the moment and think positive stuff for all things Shelby. Because I am so proud of my girl and so proud of how we have weathered each and every storm. My birthday falls at the end of the month and I feel confident Shelby is going to enter a new decade of life by my side! – Shelby prancing around ready to go outside!

I wanna’ come over and snuggle you Shelby! You are so darn cute!
Can’t get enough pictures of this sweet girl!
And ya’ know what Alison? It doesn’t matter what the xrays show……ALL outward signs are god and Shelby is doing great! That’s what’s true regardless of xrays!
That picture of her in the sun just soakng it all up just as content as can be…such a treasure.
And Alison, you are doing an EXCELLENT job focusingon the positive, focusing on the victories, focusing on the steps forward AND being more dog!! Applause to you!
YAAAAAAAAY for 5 1/2 week AMPUVERSARY!! Steak for Shelby! STEAK!!!!!
Love and hugs”
Sally and Happy Hannah
Oh that video was so fun! Shelby, the energy from your tail can power all of Los Angeles! Looks like you’re feeling good Miss China Doll.
A new decade of your life you say? Well hoooowwwwwwdy! That’s going to be quite the pawty isn’t it?! Wheeeee!
I hope the xray visit goes well (I think that’s today right?). We’ll be thinking of you.