Oh my sweet angel, how much do I miss you!?!? I cannot believe we just passed the three month mark (7.8.14) of when you earned your wings. It brings me comfort and peace to think that you are terrorizing other pooches over the rainbow bridge. That you are running and jumping with the best of them and having a blast! That your spirit lives on in my heart daily. I feel you sending me strength. I feel you in my heart. You are the love of my life and I think about you and miss you daily. I stare at your photos all the time. Your scent has left the apt since we got new floors and the carpet is gone. But I think I found some of your fur the other day. It made me smile. I saw a car yesterday on my drive home from Tennessee. It was from “Shelby” county (as noted on the plate). Was that the sign I have been looking for from you?

I posted this on Facebook the other day. Everyone misses you so much. You were so very much loved that sometime I think we forget all the quirky and perhaps ‘challenging’ things you would do.
Remember the many conversations we had about ‘boundaries’? Somewhere along the line, our relationship became blurry and you thought that my food was your food. I could leave a plate of food on the coffee table and you wouldn’t touch it but somehow, you never quite grasped not getting into the trash can. Oh how I do not miss coming home from work and seeing coffee grounds all over my floor as you went into the trash for a taste of deli meat on an old wrapper. And I do not believe for once second you didn’t know that was wrong. You could remember what time dinner was, where the cookies were stashed but you couldn’t remember “don’t eat out of the trash”?!? Oh Shelby Lynne… you gave me a run for my money for sure!
Or when I was rushing out that one time for TRX and I had a piece of string cheese in my mouth and I leaned over to put your leash on you and you grabbed the string cheese out of my mouth. Kind of like the Italian restaurant scene from “Lady and The Tramp”. Boundaries! We shared food, we shared ice-cream, we even shared wine (once or twice and only a splash). Your mouth was never dirty to me yet I never liked you to kiss me on the mouth! And you knew that – somehow. You knew that I didn’t like to be licked on the face but you would do it to others without even thinking about it.
Shelby … we were SO bonded. We were kindred spirits. You “got” me. And I “got” you. Part of the beauty of knowing you SO well was that I knew when you weren’t feeling well. I knew you inside and out and I was able to fight so hard for you. I have no regrets. We fought with every fiber of our being and we won. You may have lost your life but you never stopped living in the process. I am forever grateful for the 10 months we had . They will never be enough but your story was so much more than that. And even though I can’t remember the little day to day things we did that made us – “us” – I remember that you were the best part of my morning, the best part of my evening and the best part of my life. So until we meet again my sweet angel … run free, play hard and don’t forget to keep sending me signs! I love you to the moon and back and for all infinity!

Awww Alison, I can still hear some pain in your words but that will slowly fade away a little more. You will always miss your one & only but it some how wont hurt as much.
I love hearing about Shelby and her life and her little quirks that she had. It makes her more a live. I love everyone of these pictures of her. 🙂
Thank you for sharing a little more of your girl with us
Michelle & Angel Sassy