Dear Shelby,
Today is your angelversary. I was going to try and be brave and not do a blog but you’ve been on my mind – a lot – lately. I guess I’ve been missing you a lot.
As you know, Elvis crossed the bridge late last month. I know you were there to welcome him. His mama is having a really hard time (like I did) so make sure to tell Elvis to send her lots and lots of signs like you did for me.
Today is Mother’s Day. I was always ambivalent on being a mom to human kids but fur-babies … that I always knew would be part of my life. I guess I just never anticipated what my life would look like when you passed. That thought never occurred to me and I think our life was full of so much bliss, adventures, free-spiritness … We never thought our time would end. I never thought there would be a day when I wasn’t your mom with you by my side. I know I am fur-ever your mom and you will always be my “first born” but it’s different with the new dog. She tries SO hard and I do love her very much as she was a hand-picked gift from YOU but she isn’t you. And I know she will not outlive me. And that scares me. That I will have to go through that raw, unrelenting, forever pain… again.
Everything I learned about being a mom, I learned from you. You taught me to love unconditionally, play lots, laugh lots, smile lots and be selfless. Being a mom is the hardest job in the world – especially when your child can’t speak or tell you what hurts but you did your best to always communicate that to me and you trusted me with your life. For that I am forever grateful. I knew when you looked into my eyes, you knew how much I loved you and how I would always be there for you. My hope is that little Jasper gets there some day.
I miss you Shelby Lynne! I saw a penny at the store today and knew it was for me. Thank you for the signs … when I need them the most. There is nothing like a mothers love for her child … that is the gift you gave me … yesterday, today and tomorrow.
I love you Shelby Lynne!
Your mommy … always and forever!

Awww Alison, like always, you have expressed yourself so beautifully, so eloquently.
I’m sooooo fond of any pictures where you are hugging and holding your sweet Shelby and she SMILES….a big huge grin and with so much joy in her eyes!
Yes, being a Mom with a child who can’t tell you where it hurts is an extraordinary Mom! Your ability to.communicate from a Soul deep.level is heightened though…the bond “speaks” volumes! always sharing Shelby with us. She has been a great teaxher for us…and you have also!
I.know I’m not the only “single Mom” who is more open to adventures and family vacations with my dog family and traveling companions because you shared so much of your life with Shelby with us!
I’ you ppsted today
Again, you expressed what being a means beautifully.
Happy Mom’s Day.Alison! Shelby.AND Jasper could not have 🙂
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
You can blog whenever you want to about Shelby. Doesn’t matter what day it is or maybe she is just on your mind or you just want to say hi on here to her that is what these blogs are for.
Happy Mother’s Day and Shelby made the perfect daughter for you. I am glad you posted today. I hadn’t gotten a sign for awhile and Sassy must have known I needed her today because there in the dryer was a penny (which I know wasn’t in there when I took the clothes from the washer).
Your furbabies have the greatest mom.
Michelle & Angel Sassy
I agree! You keep right on blogging. It helps, it really does. A penny, today on Mothers Day. Shelby knew just what you needed. Hugs, Lori, Th and gang
Happy Mother’s Day Alison!
PS. Please extend our sincere condolences again to your friend. Maybe she’ll share with you what she envisions Elvis’s job will be at the Bridge. Maybe she would let you post it on that thread we started and it could be a bit healing for her.
Oh my goodness. She could be Buddy’s twin. Thinking of you. I guess it never gets easier when they leave us.
Julie and Spirit Buddy