Shelby always LOVED Halloween (well perhaps maybe I loved Halloween for dressing her up). Worlds. Most. Patient. Dog.
I can’t recall when I started dressing Shelby up, but she was a natural with the camera. Always had the same intense look; bordering murderous contentious, but she would get really excited when I would pull out the tiara or the boas so I refuse to believe she hated wearing the costumes. Maybe she just hated the camera. Maybe she had a typical female problem – does this outfit make me look fat? Is this a bad angle? Either way, Shelby had an entire bin of costumes since I would buy new stuff for her each time. I never bought the ‘pet’ Halloween costumes at Petco or Petsmart. I preferred to try and make something up special. Thus, I bring you – Butterfly Ballerina Princess.
This costume (complete with wig) was modeled at a local pet Halloween party in Seattle. I still cannot believe she didn’t win a prize for this.
One year she went (sadly no photos) as a marathon dog – complete with a little marathon tech shirt, medal and her blue booties (aka running shoes). She did win first prize at a local Yappy hour for that.
Other years, I would pull out my old costumes and put them on Shelby for fun.
So through the years … I present, my princess, the love of my life, the world’s most patient dog … Shelby Lynne!

I miss those days … so much. So much more than I ever thought was possible. Shelby was always up for a quick hat or accessory. She was such a good sport. And it was fun. I was always looking for stuff at the dollar bin/store for her. I wanted to make each photo shoot more memorable. And people loved to see her photos. As much as people “threatened ” to turn me in to the SPCA for animal abuse, I know people looked forward to Shelby’s annual costume adventures.

So Shelby’s box of costumes remains under my bed… I haven’t been strong enough enough to look through it or even touch it. I fear that if I open that box of sweaters, tutus, feather boas, glitter…the tears will start and they will never stop again. I have gotten to a place where I am sort of strong – 90% of the time. The holidays are fast approaching and I cannot avoid or even hide from them this year. I can’t run away. I can try and create “new” memories but they only seem to remind me that the good times are no more. I miss that bond – that connection – that utter sense of eternal love and devotion that we had for each other. My soul mate. So I think that Saturday is the “day of the dead” and a time to honor our loved ones that have passed… so on Saturday, I will light a candle for my dear Shelby, toast to her memory with a glass of wine and pull out the tiaras for old time sake.
I love you, Shelby Lynne… always and forever … the the moon and back and for all eternity!

I LOVE that last photo of you two, such pretty princesses!
The way you made all of her costumes really shows how much Shelby meant to you, how much love and care your poured into every original outfit. That first one is GREAT! Thank you for giving us a fashion show, I hope you’ll do that every Halloween!
As for Dia de los Muertos, yep, that’s my fave holiday too. It’s the one time of year that it’s OK to stop the real world for a day, and set time aside to honor our departed loved ones, and really feel their presence. I hope you’ll do that and share your candle ceremony with us.
LOVE the costumes! I started reading and was doing the 1st letter, last letter thing and I thought I read tiaras and BRAS! LOL I think my favorite is the flapper. Her tail is wagging in that one so I don’t think she is minding it all that much. You 2 sure shared some special moments! Hugs from, Lori and TY
i think Shebly was a very tolerant dog. I think she enjoyed it too. Sassy would tolerate me putting stuff on her but she wasn’t totally in love with it. I have not tried too much with the girls as they still pull on each other and I am afraid that they will rip something.
I just love all the pictures. Thank you for sharing each one with us.
Michelle & Angel Sassy