Mom to 13 year old Shelby - Jack Russell/Shiba Inu mix. A rescue dog that was born in New Orleans. Shelby is a spirited, smart and happy little dog who loves to run, play, go to the beach (we live in LA) and ride in the car! She is my best friend and the true love of my life!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I’ll keep this brief and let the photos speak for themselves. Shelby was the world’s most patient, kind and loving dog. I put her in the most interesting (and probably uncomfortable outfits) but she took them all in stride.
I missed a couple of years but for the most part, Shelby always got her Santa photos. Oh to be in the mind of a dog and know what she was really thinking with the antlers, the dresses, the bows. The ones where she looks truly pissed are among my favorites since I don’t think Shelby had a mean bone in her body and she always got so excited when I would pull out her outfits.
It became my favorite time of year – the date I would mark on our calendar so we wouldn’t miss it. In 2011 I was traveling so much for work, I almost did miss it and begged my neighbor to take her. He declined and thankfully my work schedule permitted us our annual photo day.
Shelby and I started a new tradition a couple years after moving to the beach. What started off as a Christmas walk on the beach (you can’t beat 80 degrees at Christmas), became a tradition; another chance for her to wear her dress and spread some cheer. Even last year when her leg was bugging her, we made the trek to sit on the beach.
Oh Shelby … I miss you so much this time of year. We had the BEST holidays. Love of my life – it will never be the same but thankfully, the photos, the videos and the memories will forever warm and comfort my aching heart. I hope you are wearing a set of antlers just for me! Mommy loves you – to the moon and back and for all infinity.
Her first Santa photo! 2002
Rare sighting of Mrs. Claus too. 2003
Santa, 2004
Santa 2006
That face! Seriously – she wasn’t that angry. 2008
Santa – 2009
Santa 2010
We had to do it twice this year since we weren’t happy with the first pics (2010)The face says it all…., 2011Her pretty dress, 2012
We didn’t know it would be our last Christmas but this truly was one of her best photos. Loved her plaid dress. 2013Just a dog on the beach spreading holiday cheer, 2012
Oh my sweet baby … eight months since you earned your wings! I hope you are using them well! It is the holiday season here and you know much I detest the holidays! Grinch is an understatement! The month between Thanksgiving and the first of the year always brought me into a dark place and you were my ray of sunshine. Our annual Santa photos. Getting you presents and wrapping them up. Watching you unwrap your presents. Taking our Christmas walk on the beach while we watched you spread some cheer in your Christmas dress of the year! Just basking in life. You knew how to live life to the fullest and make each day a gift and recognize how special it was.
I cannot believe in one short month, on January 8th, it will be the month that you lost your leg. Such my brave girl. I’ve looked back on old videos from last December and you did walk with a limp, a little slow. I hope you know that I always put your best interests first and I didn’t realize how lame that leg had really come. I am sorry I didn’t notice it earlier.
I remember last holiday season, I spent every night with you. I asked “Santa” to make you healthy as we were already a few months into our cancer battle and you had gotten a couple treatments of chemo. We had gotten clear X-rays … no mets! The best gift ever. I felt that you were going to win this battle but looking back, you stayed strong and happy for ME to help get me through these horrible months that I hate so much.
You always – still – show up just when I need you. This weekend, I saw two pennies at the cash register at Petco … those were definitely from you! And last night, I saw a single gem on the floor … it had traveled really far from where it was so I knew you helped place it there so I would see it and feel you. You know how hard these anniversaries are on me and how with each month, I feel you slipping farther and farther from my grasp. I struggle to hold onto your spirit and your love because if I can’t feel it, it wasn’t real.
I have changed, Shelby Lynne. Definitely changed. Not good or bad just different. There will never be another love like ours. And there shouldn’t be. We had the greatest love of all time. You taught me to be a “mom” and I channel that every day. You taught me to love. Not just love for the sake of love but love in the way you let your walls down and allow your heart to be filled with all things good. You taught me to see the best in people. You taught me to trust. And trust that while I still feel tremendous sadness and pain, there are many more days that I celebrate the great things we did together. All the ‘firsts’ I had with you, have helped get to me the place I am now.
I am older, I am wiser, I am definitely more jaded. But I still believe in hope. And in love. And in positive thinking. I will reach for your strength over the next couple of weeks to get me into January … and then when I relive all our ‘firsts’ of that as we inch closer to that dreaded angelversary. I don’t cry as much for you … I hope you don’t mind. You are still the first thought I have when I wake up and the last before I go to bed. I still talk to you all the time. But my tears have tried up. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t love or grieve any less … it MUST mean that your strength has fully entered my heart and my soul.
I am serious when I say I feel your strength and power every day… I love you, Miss Shelby Lynne. I miss you every day. I cannot wait till we are together again. #loveofmylife #shelbystrong
Christmas Eve 2013. All I asked Santa for was a healthy and happy Shelby.Present time!Worlds. Most. Patient. Dog.
Oh Dear Shelby … I miss you so much. How is it 7 months today that I kissed your velvet ears for the last time and let your tired spirit go and allow you to become an angel?
I would like to say the pain gets easier and the missing you becomes less but it does not. It has become an ever present dull ache. I don’t want it to go. It reminds me of our love story. It reminds me that our love is SO strong that it will never be broken.
Your story was so much more than your cancer and your illness. You fought like a true champion and I am so proud of you. I am so proud that you were strong enough to tell me that enough was enough. And that you gave me the strength to stop fighting. I have relived that last weekend we had together over and over in my mind over the past several days. I don’t know why. It just seems to be at the front of my mind. It’s like a punch in the gut – hearing those words from your doctors. Having the realization that our journey was ending and this wasn’t another bullet we could dodge.
So, my beautiful best girl, I hope you are soaring through the heavens with your sparkly angel wings … I hope you have made friends with the spirit angels of my friends here. I hope you have met up with the spirits of the other dogs that I grew up with. I hope that you have met my daddy. I feel you BOTH watching over me daily. And most of all – I hope you continue to HEAR me talking to you.
Thank you for visiting us again last night … however, Shelby Lynne, I beg of you – try and pick a more respectful hour to visit. While I realize time may not exist where you are – here – listening to little Jasper Lily growl at 3:30 a.m. still spooks me!
I love you, baby girl… you are my one and only true love!
One year ago – fall day with you!Every. Single. Night. 2012Beautiful face! love this girl. 20112010! Beach living with the best friend a girl could ever have!
I’ve never been one to really follow or pay much attention to the day after Halloween, also known as Día de Muertos (day of the dead) but this year is different. Missing my best girl as we enter the holiday season and knowing all that we went through last year together, I knew I needed to do something for her today.
Ironically, there is a spiritual communication center near my house that offers free aura and communication readings on the first day of each month for pets. I figured it would be a good time to figure out why Jasper Lily has the tendency to do her “low growls”.
We arrived and were seated pretty quickly and I was introduced to a woman named Shelby. At that moment, my heart literally stopped. She could see the look of shock on my face and all of a sudden this became more about MY Shelby than Jasper. I explained that I had lost my dog, Shelby, several months ago and that this was my new dog. As I told her Jasper’s full name was Jasper Lily, she shared that her daughter’s name was Lily. She quickly went into the “zone” (or whatever they call it) and started our reading. We discovered that Jasper has a lot of colorful energy around her and while she does not ‘see dead people’ (as I asked) but rather has some significant ‘negative’ energy in her aura. Her past is indeed troubled but she is working through it.
I am not sure how we transitioned into talking about my girl Shelby – I must have asked if Shelby visits at night – and then the entire session became about communicating with Shelby’s spirit. She told me almost the same exact thing the Animal Communicator I talked with about a month ago told me.
She told me that Shelby sees herself as my partner – not just a dog. That she is ALWAYS with me and that she hopes that I can feel her (and I do). She told me that Shelby does sit by the side of the bed at night – which would be exactly where Jasper looks AND where Shelby spent the last several months of her life (and parts of her pre-cancer life as well). She said that Shelby likes to ‘pet’ me – like a dog but more because Shelby sees herself as the strong one. Shelby knows that her death brought me intense pain and grief – unlike any other – and that many people grieve for her but wants me to know that she is happy and having fun. She said that Shelby said she thinks her death was sudden to me and that is 100% true. While we all knew that Shelby was sick and her days were limited, her final passing was a shock. She went from being basically fine, to having no use of her remaining leg, to seizures to coma … all within 72 hours. Sudden is spot on.
She told me that Shelby knows that I have the greatest capacity for love, as seen in our relationship, and that I need to open up my heart to love again. It will absolutely NEVER be the same love that we had or shared. Ours was unlike any other but my heart can love again if I just let it. She said to love Jasper … to let Jasper in. She said that Shelby does not see it as disloyal at all. She knows that she is “the love of my life” and that will never change. She said that Shelby is quite analytical and less ‘dog-like’ but has more human traits in the way she communicates. Almost like Shelby really did see herself as the pack leader in our relationship.
For those that may consider this ‘spiritual stuff’ mumbo jumbo, to that I say, how can TWO, TWO spiritual communicators deliver almost the exact same message to me? That left me with chills. That left me with a sense of peace and longing for more. That left me feeling full and understanding.
Shelby makes herself known to me every single day and I feel it. I know others may think it’s odd that I collect pennies or gemstones. That the name Jasper means a gemstone and that name came to me randomly (or maybe not). Or even… on a day when I didn’t feel like running, after a much needed rain storm in LA, the skies opened up and I saw the most beautiful rainbow which I know was a sign from Shelby. Shelby is my heart, my soul, my world. It brings me peace knowing that she is with me, by my bed, at night. It soothes my soul. And while it doesn’t make me miss her any less – what I wouldn’t do to kiss those velvet ears one more time – it allows me to live. To do more than just exist. The pain of losing Shelby is something that I will never fully recover from. I have changed. I have a tremendous wall up that is blocking a lot of ‘good’ from getting in. But I also know that I am, day by day, letting a little bit of that wall break down. And finding space in my heart for more love.
There will never be another love like the one Shelby and I had. And that is why it makes it even more special and magical. To have had the greatest love of my life at such a young age … I will forever hold that within everything thing that I do.
Today, as always Shelby, I honor, I love, I miss and I hold you – fur-ever in my heart.
And for our ceremony, I went to our favorite place, the beach, to celebrate her life, our love and the things we both loved the most – the sand, glitter and the ocean waves crashing. It was peaceful. It was serene. It was just like I wanted and needed. To slow down, be in the moment, to enjoy and to be more dog. I love you Shelby.
My ‘shrine’ to Shelby – it was too windy to light the candles.Glitter in the sand…A few of her favorite things! Her tiara and some bling.The sky during my ceremony with her.
Shelby always LOVED Halloween (well perhaps maybe I loved Halloween for dressing her up). Worlds. Most. Patient. Dog.
I can’t recall when I started dressing Shelby up, but she was a natural with the camera. Always had the same intense look; bordering murderous contentious, but she would get really excited when I would pull out the tiara or the boas so I refuse to believe she hated wearing the costumes. Maybe she just hated the camera. Maybe she had a typical female problem – does this outfit make me look fat? Is this a bad angle? Either way, Shelby had an entire bin of costumes since I would buy new stuff for her each time. I never bought the ‘pet’ Halloween costumes at Petco or Petsmart. I preferred to try and make something up special. Thus, I bring you – Butterfly Ballerina Princess.
This costume (complete with wig) was modeled at a local pet Halloween party in Seattle. I still cannot believe she didn’t win a prize for this.
One year she went (sadly no photos) as a marathon dog – complete with a little marathon tech shirt, medal and her blue booties (aka running shoes). She did win first prize at a local Yappy hour for that.
Other years, I would pull out my old costumes and put them on Shelby for fun.
So through the years … I present, my princess, the love of my life, the world’s most patient dog … Shelby Lynne!
Ballerina Princess, Seattle 2006
Flapper, Los Angeles, 2010
Halloween 2011, Los Angeles
I miss those days … so much. So much more than I ever thought was possible. Shelby was always up for a quick hat or accessory. She was such a good sport. And it was fun. I was always looking for stuff at the dollar bin/store for her. I wanted to make each photo shoot more memorable. And people loved to see her photos. As much as people “threatened ” to turn me in to the SPCA for animal abuse, I know people looked forward to Shelby’s annual costume adventures.
NYE – because who doesn’t dress their dog up in a tiara on New Year’s Eve at midnight?!?
So Shelby’s box of costumes remains under my bed… I haven’t been strong enough enough to look through it or even touch it. I fear that if I open that box of sweaters, tutus, feather boas, glitter…the tears will start and they will never stop again. I have gotten to a place where I am sort of strong – 90% of the time. The holidays are fast approaching and I cannot avoid or even hide from them this year. I can’t run away. I can try and create “new” memories but they only seem to remind me that the good times are no more. I miss that bond – that connection – that utter sense of eternal love and devotion that we had for each other. My soul mate. So I think that Saturday is the “day of the dead” and a time to honor our loved ones that have passed… so on Saturday, I will light a candle for my dear Shelby, toast to her memory with a glass of wine and pull out the tiaras for old time sake.
I love you, Shelby Lynne… always and forever … the the moon and back and for all eternity!
Last Ocotber, 2013 – all those years and this was the first mother/daughter tiara selfie!
Oh sweet Shelby Lynne… you would have been 14 today! I always told people that I knew in my heart you would live to at least 15 … sadly, you lost your earthly battle at age 13 1/2.
We always celebrated your ‘made up’ birthday. I picked today special for you since I figured you were about 6 months when I adopted you in March so backtracking, you would have been born in October. I made you a Libra since my best friend is a Libra and they are extremely kind and generous and friendly to all (that would be you). I figured I would always remember the 15th. What I didn’t expect was the stab in my heart when my calendar sent me a reminder this week about your birthday. Of course I knew it was coming up but to see that come up on my phone – punch in the gut. I have removed the reminder but I will never forget your birthday.
Each year for your birthday, you got presents, cards (from Grandmama of course), treats and a special dinner. Usually something that involved wet food since you didn’t get that often. I treated you even more like a princess and gave you many cuddles, snuggles and kisses all day.
Last year was your last birthday that we would celebrate together. You were already sick with cancer and were being treated. I was just so glad to celebrate and have you by my side. I made this montage of all your favorite photos.
Shelby through the years – her birthday montage – October 2013
I didn’t want think that it would be your last birthday but I guess, as a mother always does, I knew on some level that our time was dwindling. We vowed to celebrate YOU every single day for the next several months. To make your life count and to make your life matter. To make a difference.
So today, Shelby Lynne, love of my life, my best girl, I will celebrate you. I will have cake for dinner! I will light a candle for you. And I will look back on your videos of your happier times … you were the ultimate fighter, my girl, and even though we didn’t make it to 15, our love story continues to grow – despite our physical beings not being together … we are together in spirit, in mind, in heart and in soul. My love to you, my baby. I hope your friends over the bridge are celebrating with you, tiaras, streamers, cake and ice-cream! Much love my girl!
Candles on her birthday!
November 2001 – with your bestie Spiderman!
Baby Shelby with her toys! (from the archives)
OMG … that face!!! Fur-ever in my heart … I love you Shelby Lynne!
Shelby with her bone. Notice the curtains in the back. They did not come like that. Shelby added her enhancements by chewing off the bottoms.
My dearest Shelby … how is it possible that six months ago you earned your wings? Why does it feel like so much longer since I have snuggled those ears (perfect ears) and kissed that little nose and hugged your booty and held you in my arms?
My girl, my sweet angel, I miss you so terribly much. I know you are playing over the bridge and your legs are perfect again! I know you watch over me (maybe if you could not visit at 3 a.m., that would be fantastic as the click, click from your nails on the floors wakes me up).
Thank you for sending me that penny when I got off the plane at SeaTac. I KNEW it was from you. We had such an amazing life in Seattle, didn’t we? Our bond became stronger than ever. You were in the prime of your life. Still, always on your leash since you were still a flight-risk. I ran around Greenlake this past weekend and thought of you. Remember how we used to walk/run around the lake and you would run alongside me and jump up and grab my arm? We called it you sharking me! And how we hiked down to the lake through the bunny forest.
I found your baby album when I was home this weekend. Mom (aka your grandmama) said it didn’t exist but I knew it did. I found your first photos at home, photos from our first road trip, our first parades, your sweaters and way, way, way too many photos of you with the Easter Bunny. And all the cards that grandmama would send to you. I swear, you got more mail than I ever did! I did such a great job of documenting the early years of our life and then I kind of slacked off and then picked up when I got my first smartphone. You then became the most photographed dog.
We talked about you – a lot – this past weekend. Talked about what a good girl you became but boy oh boy were you a naughty girl for many many years! I say, strong-willed and spirited. In your album, there is also you Canine Good Citizen certification, your certificate from your graduation from dog obedience and your Visiting Pet Program card. You loved being a visiting pet. How could you not? You always just wanted to give and receive love. You were good at it. You were happy in my home from almost day one, I think. You picked me that day at the shelter.
Oh Shelby … what a life we had. Never did I think you would bring me so much joy and save me in so many ways … and you continue to save me, as an angel. I feel you within me daily. I dream about you more and more. I miss you more and more. Some days the pain is so raw that I can’t help but cry but most days it is just a dull and constant ache. I think about you first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. I think about you all day. I wear the necklace I had made in your honor and it gives me the chance to talk about you when people ask me about it. I hold it in my fingers many times throughout the day and will myself to feel you within me.
I cannot believe six long months have passed. So much has changed. Yet so much has stayed the same. I doubt that I will ever fully recover from your loss and I admit I don’t want. I want the pain to remain in some aspect as it reminds me how strong our love was because if I didn’t hurt as much, then it didn’t happen.
This is your birthday month. In a couple weeks, you would have been 14. I always thought you would live to at least 15. You left earth at 13 1/2. Too young. Too soon. But you needed to go and I get it. You fought the most amazing fight. So today, I will try and celebrate you and look at your baby album and will those memories to come back to me (I have horrible long-term memory issues) but what I do know is that face – in all those photos – is 100% and your personality shines through each one… they could have been taken yesterday or 13 years ago – because you are happy in all them!
I miss you my girl… always and forever and to the moon and back!
Baby Shelby … her first day home.Play time! Manic dog on the bed!Look at how skinny you were? You were always scared of balloons. It made me laugh.Mystic Krewe of Barkus! My little blue suede shoe!One of your many sweaters … because of course you needed a sweater in the south.
I find it so hard to comprehend that it was almost a year ago (this weekend) that Shelby and I took our last road trip together. There was a part of me that “knew” as a mother always does, that it would be our last trip. And I tried SO hard to enjoy it, be more dog, and live in the moment and not think about the ticking time bomb, also known as hemangiosarcoma. Shelby didn’t know she had cancer. We were going to – as we always had when the going got rough – escape our reality.
I hadn’t been to Santa Barbara in almost 2 years since I had been up there with an ex. It was ALWAYS mine and Shelby’s place but I ventured up there with T with false hopes of a for-ever love becoming a reality. Obviously that didn’t happen and it was always too painful to go back but I wanted to take that place back as mine and Shelby’s special place. We had spent many weekends there over the years, going to wineries, going out to eat, hanging by the beach… Shelby loved it almost as much as I did!
So we packed up our stuff and hit the road. Shelby, at this point, hated riding in the car and I later learned that was probably because her broken yet repaired bum leg still bugged her. I was the ultimate nervous mommy … venturing two hours away from our ER vet but they assured me it was safe to take Shelby. Nonetheless, I found ER vets in Santa Barbara!
The weather was perfect and as soon as we hit the outskirts, Shelby perked up. We stopped for a picnic lunch and headed off to our favorite winery. No one noticed the slight limp on Shelby OR the shaved fur. They all remarked that she acted and looked like a puppy. She was almost 13. Shelby was the life of the party – as always. EVERYONE was drawn to her. Her personality, her smile, her positive energy.
Just a dog and her vineyard!
Aaaaannnndddd … she’s done! Dog’s a light-weight!
We hit up a couple wineries and then headed to check into the hotel. Of course there were a million stairs UP to the room so I carried Shelby up them to avoid any strain on her leg, joints, body. She was always great in hotels. Never barked. Made herself at home. Never insecure or weird. I unpacked our stuff, took her for a quick walk and we headed into town for dinner.
Dining with Shelby was always an experience. She was a begger but she was “usually” pretty good about boundaries but she liked to ‘visit’ other tables so I had to keep her on a super short leash and even put her on my lap from time to time. It made it harder to eat or drink but I wouldn’t have it any other way. It was the best!
My best girl!Wine and my girl… could life have been any better?
We headed back to our hotel and had some wine out in the courtyard and that is where I truly lost it. I think reality kicked in about what we were dealing with. I was scared. I was saddened. I didn’t see how I could go on without Shelby. I didn’t know what that life looked like (I still don’t but I go through the motions each day).
Outside at the hotel – could she be any happier?
The next morning, Shelby wasn’t feeling 100% … I could see it in her eyes so I got us packed up early and was ready to head back. But I wanted to take her by the beach one last time. It was her favorite place and mine too. So I got out our blanket and we shared it. Well actually, Shelby took the whole damn thing and I was mostly on the grass (the things we do for love). And a peace came over her. She settled. She seemed calm. She seemed to be taking it all in. She was ‘one with nature’. Until she started to pant (her usual signal that she’s had too much), we just sat and listened to the ocean and the breeze.
Taking the whole blanketA compromise!
We drove back to LA and as soon as we got back, she was fine. She settled back into her home and her routine. And then the next week, we started chemo.
So next week, I’ll go on my first vacation in over a year when I travel home to Seattle for the wedding of my two dear friends. I am excited to celebrate their union, their love, their commitment. Last year at this time, I didn’t know how I would swing their wedding in October if Shelby was still with me. I knew it would have been an inner struggle with my devotion to the love of my life and my devotion to the one man (aside from my daddy) that has always had my back.
I still don’t know if I can go back to Santa Barbara. The memories of ALL my trips with Shelby are too fresh in my mind. She was the BEST travel buddy. Many photos I have framed around my office and apt are of our trips up there and they serve as constant reminders. When I think back to this trip a year ago, I force my brain to go to the happy place – not the dark place. I find myself living too much in that dark place right now – too many regrets, too much guilt, too much sadness. Shelby wouldn’t want that. Shelby has moved on. She lives in her moments and she has a new life … and I am not in it right now and that hurts me so much. I wish, wish, WISH we could still be together. But she visits (more and more now since I think she knows these next months are going to be very hard on me), as I hear click, click, click of nails on the floor when there is no dog on the floor.
I desperately want to run away, escape reality but the funny thing about running away, you always have to come back and that same shit is still there. So next week, when I leave Los Angeles, I’ll look at it as a respite from this world and part of my healing process…because ..till we meet again, my Shelby Lynne … my soul mate … my one true love… you are truly fur-ever in my heart!
From our photo shoot a year ago … Love this face … forever, to the moon and back and for all infinity…
It was one year ago today I got that dreaded call – “Shelby has hemangiosarcoma”.
What started off as a wonderful day – off to a new job with lots of promise, opportunities, excitement. I felt like my world and my bad luck with crappy jobs had finally turned a corner. I was valued and needed by a team that was sure to be a wonderful one. I remember driving the long commute home (well, not every job has the perfect commute, right?) and talking to my mom about how LUCKY I was. I got to work in a place that was similar to my high school (which I loved) and I got to meet the most amazing and interesting people. Everyone was nice. They were supportive. I had my own BIG office.
First day of work snuggles! Shelby wasn’t used to being up so early so she looked a bit sleepy.
And most importantly, Shelby had done great on her first full day at home without me – for the first time in over two months. She was snuggled up on her bed when I got home and we began, what would become one of the best parts of my day, when I would walk in the door, rush to her side and gently rouse her from sleep with soft sweet kisses on her velvet ears. She would make the happy moaning sounds of delight and slowly rise up, stretch, and we would go outside for our short walk. She was still a quad-pawd at this point but the stairs were hard on her. We would then have our ‘happy dance’ time around DINNER.
Did someone say dinner!?!? Always such a happy, happy girl!
As I sat down on the couch, with a glass of wine and my best girl next to me, my phone rang. Advanced Critical Care on the caller ID. I figured they had the results of Shelby’s spleen removal. I didn’t want to answer the phone but I knew that I had.
It was, of course, the worst possible news. EVER. As I tried to contain my tears and shock, I “heard” what the doctor said. I vowed to fight. We would do chemo. We would prove them all wrong.
I hung up and called my mom and burst into the biggest tears. I couldn’t breathe. I felt suffocated. I felt scared. I felt alone. And I felt anything but strong. As I looked at my beautiful Shelby, I saw that there was no fear in her eyes. Her world hadn’t changed. She didn’t know what was wrong. I knew then, as I had back in June when she broke her leg, that I needed to be strong for her. I needed to rely on her strength to guide me. And I knew that I had to believe in positive thinking and prayer.
And I knew that I couldn’t mess up this job so I needed to put on the biggest happy face and channel that positive energy the best that I could to get me through the days, the weeks and months yet to come.
I made plans for us to go to Santa Barbara (which on a level I did know would be our last trip up there). I made the decision not to leave the state or Shelby while she was ill. I made the decision to make Shelby my #1 priority. And I made the hardest decision of all – to fight this alone. I didn’t tell a soul. I alluded to it on Facebook, etc with the hashtag #shelbystrong and #dogisafighter but no one knew for many, many months what we were fighting at home. Because Shelby looked good – the whole time. She looked like a puppy. She acted like a happy dog.
As the days, weeks and months wore on, it got harder to put on a happy face and hide my internal fear. But I am proud that Shelby almost never saw me cry. She saw concern, compassion, helicopter parenting but she never ever saw the incredible fear that I felt. We had the best doctors; we made going for chemo a happy experience. I treated her the same – told her to “suck it up, buttercup” when I knew she could and would do something.
#truth #shelbystrong
So today marks one year in which our short seven month journey with cancer began. I miss you, Shelby Lynne. I love you more than life itself. And I think about you every single day. And I still dream about you. You remain – the absolute LOVE OF MY LIFE!
How have five long months passed already? It feels like yesterday and forever all in the same. Time stands still yet time goes on without my best girl by my side. I miss Shelby every single day. The pain does indeed subside but there is still a dull and constant ache.
And not only has it been five months since you joined the other Tripawd heroes (Jake, Sassy, Brendol, Jerry, Libby, Polly, Franklin, Maggie and many others who were there to greet you) but September marks one year since we got that fateful call with the worst possible diagnosis. Oh how I had wished it had been Osteosarcoma since your diagnosis of Hemangiosarcoma was so much worse.
I remember it like it was yesterday. We had spent a wonderful weekend with our friends; two young pups and Shelby was such a good sport. She played a bit but mostly kept to herself on my lap. I suspect that rear leg was probably bugging her but she was putting on a brave face. The grown-ups drank wine and ate cheese and crackers (and I probably slipped Shelby a few slices of cheese). Shelby was the alpha in the group and the other dogs respected and honored her hierarchy.
Wine night
Fun with other dogs!
The next day, while suffering a wicked hangover, Shelby and I snuggled up to watch our beloved Saints take on the Atlanta Falcons. While I don’t remember if we won or not, I remember that football Sundays with Shelby was always the best. Shelby was a great Saints fan and a great sport – no matter how loudly I screamed at the TV, she took it all in stride.
Geaux Saints!
Monday evening, as I was preparing to leave town that Friday to run a marathon in Utah and I was making plans for where Shelby would stay, Shelby got this awful look in her eyes. I figured she was upset about the luggage and my packing but it was worse. She started to dry heave and I knew instantly something was wrong. I rushed her to the ER vet and they told me that it was probably pancreatis (damn that cheese I had given her).
Sadly, it was not the cheese. It was her spleen. It needed to come out. Our trusted surgeon and her wonderful tech delivered the news. They said there was no way to know if it was a benign mass until it was biopsied. They told me it was a 50/50 chance that it was cancer. I prayed to God. But I knew. A mother always knows.
They told me to go run my race; that Shelby would have her surgery and she could stay there. I stayed with her and visited her after her surgery and every night until when I left. Things that had been so important 5 months ago when I started training for this race were rendered insignificant. I no longer cared about my race time or if I re-qualified for Boston. I just wanted to get home to Shelby. I dedicated my race to her and I didn’t re-qualify. I don’t even remember my time.
While I was away, my dear friend went and sat with Shelby and sent me photos and videos. Shelby recovered well from her surgery. She was doing great! Maybe we had dodged another bullet.
Dedicated my 11th marathon to Shelby
Monday, I started my new job. Shelby was home with me, resting comfortably. She was happy. I was happy. My life was falling into place.
My first day of work! Shelby wasn’t thrilled that I was going back to work.
That night I got the call that no one wants to get. Shelby had hemangiosarcoma. I heard the concern, sadness in our surgeon’s voice. She kept asking me if I understood what she was saying. I was speechless. How could this be? I was in shock. She tried to give me the information about an oncologist and treatment and the prognosis. I couldn’t speak. My heart and my world collapsed.
Shelby and I were given a timeline of 1 – 3 months – WITH chemo. How could I possibly begin to say goodbye to my girl? What did that look like? What did a world without Shelby look like?
I did, what I always did, I put on a brave face for Shelby. I refused to let her see me cry and be upset yet she could feel it. She and I were so incredibly bonded that she felt my emotions before I felt them, most of the time. We were indeed one soul and true soul mates. I vowed to fight – with every ounce of my being. I would fight until there was no fight left. I would do everything and anything to save my girl and maintain her quality of life. I told no one. I feared judgement, opinions, feedback. I knew the love and bond that Shelby and I had was strong enough but I needed my focus to be on her.
And together, we did fight. We fought for 7 months. Seven beautiful months that we didn’t think we would have. And when Shelby was done, she let me know. There was never a doubt in my mind; it was crystal clear she was tired and she was ready to transition. And now, as I prepare to re-live those last several months we had together, I pray that Shelby sends me signs, guides me and holds me tight. She was the brave one. She was the strong one. She was the one that always saw the glass half-full.
I miss you, Shelby Lynne. I miss you with every ounce of my being; every fiber, every moment of every day. To the “love of my life” … I love you to the moon and back and for all infinity.